Production Characteristics of Local Guinea Fowl (Numida Meleagris) in the Urban Commune of Tessaoua, Niger
Moussa Hassan Ousseini *
Faculty of Agronomy and Environmental Sciences, University Dan Dicko Dankoulodo of Maradi, P.O. Box 465, Maradi, Niger.
Brah Nouri
Animal Production Department, National Institute of Agronomic Research of Niger, BP: 429 Niamey, Niger.
Souley Garba Mahamadou Laminou
Animal Production Department, National Institute of Agronomic Research of Niger, BP: 429 Niamey, Niger.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Guinea fowl breeding is an important source of animal protein and income for populations in Niger. Improving this activity requires better knowledge of production practices. Thus, a survey was carried out in August 2023 in the urban commune of Tessaoua (Maradi/Niger) in order to provide the necessary information on the practice of guinea fowl breeding. For this purpose, sixty (60) producers distributed in 6 villages (10 producers / villages) within a radius of 15km around the urban commune of Tessaoua were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The results of this study show that guinea fowl breeding is an activity mainly carried out by men (86%). Guinea fowl (28.47%) are raised at the same time with chickens (60.08%), pigeons (6.74%), ducks (4.52%) and Turkey (0.20%). The predominant breeding system for local guinea fowl in the urban commune of Tessaoua is scavenging (77%). The guinea fowl most preferred by producers are respectively those with gray plumage (44%), gray plumage with white breast (23%), and those with ash plumage (21%). Guinea fowl breeding products are mainly intended for sale (45%), for self-consumption (36%) and donation (14%). Sixty-eight percent (68%) of producers do not vaccinate their poultry. This is why Newcastle disease is the most catastrophic for 52% of producers. The main constraints in guinea fowl breeding in the urban commune of Tessaoua are diseases (67%) and lack of resources (18%). It is clear that the development of the sector necessarily involves strengthening the surveillance of avian diseases, coupled with veterinary monitoring and supervision of producers.
Keywords: Constraints, guinea fowl, local poultry, Tessaoua